15 Results
CST-GA Certificate Policy V1.3
CST-GA Policy Guide V3.0
CRTC CETD 2021-426 – Defer Implementation of STIR/SHAKEN for 9-1-1 Calls
ATIS-1000080.v004 SHAKEN: Governance Model and Certificate Management
Report on Industry Consultation as Directed by CRTC CETD 2021-267
CRTC Compliance and Enforcement Telecom Decision 2021-267
Mitel Networks Corporation – Application requesting the Commission to instruct the Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority to allow all telecommunications […]
CRTC, Compliance and Enforcement Telecom Decision 2021-123
The Commission directs telecommunications service providers (TSPs) to implement STIR/SHAKEN to authenticate and verify caller identification (ID) information for Internet Protocol (IP)-based voice calls as a condition of offering and providing telecommunications services, effective 30 November 2021.
How SHAKEN Works
ATIS Webinar “How SHAKEN works” explains the SHAKEN framework.
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TSPs registered with the CRTC to provide voice services in Canada may participate either as a Shareholder or a non-Shareholder Participant.
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Submit your Certificate Practice Statement (CPS) today and start the process to becoming an authorized Certification Authority.