
Here you will find the latest information regarding CST-GA and STIR/SHAKEN implementation in Canada

The Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority Inc. (CST-GA), in partnership with Neustar Information Services, Inc. (Neustar), has launched the Canadian-based infrastructure and website for eligible carriers to register and join CST-GA and to participate in the Secure Telephone Identity (STI) call authentication ecosystem using STIR/SHAKEN.

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FCC Adopts 2nd Report and Order

The new rules require voice service providers to either upgrade their non-IP networks to IP and implement STIR/SHAKEN, or work to develop a non-IP caller ID authentication solution. They also require intermediate providers to implement STIR/SHAKEN so that IP calls retain caller ID authentication throughout the call path. And the new rules prohibit carriers from adding a line item to the bills of consumers and small businesses for caller ID authentication technology.

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TSPs registered with the CRTC to provide voice services in Canada may participate either as a Shareholder or a non-Shareholder Participant.

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